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Growing with National

Figuring out a career for yourself can be tricky. But with National OnDemand, the solution couldn’t be simpler. National provides its employees with all of the resources they need to succeed both inside and outside of the workplace. While the idea of being a “company man” may be a thing of the past, a long-lasting career with National is a thing of the present and future. Rather than forcing our team members to go elsewhere for better opportunities, we provide many avenues for internal promotion, empowering our team to grow with us. In fact, some of our benefits increase the longer you are with us. 

Just as we want to be a part of the communities we serve, we want to be a part of your life as you develop your career with National. No matter your division or function, National provides opportunities for promotion inside and outside your initial role. 

Growing with National

James Moore, Fiber Splicing Technician, Construction Division, started his time at National as a Quality Control Inspector. He served in this role for a few months before becoming a Fiber Splicing Technician. Moore said he enjoys his new role and all of the opportunities it provides. New positions can also include responsibilities you didn’t imagine before. In Moore’s case, he said, “I mean, I’ve always been good with in-home internet equipment, like modems and routers and stuff like that., I’ve definitely always been good with that. So it’s crossed my mind a couple of times. But did I think I’d actually be like doing it? No, I didn’t. But it worked out. It’s worked out in the long run.” 

Steven Kotalik, Fiber Splicing Supervisor, Construction Division, began as a Fiber Splicing Technician for National. Soon after, Kotalik was offered the opportunity to advance either as a lead technician or as a supervisor and chose the latter. Kotalik said this transition occurred just at the right time as he had been looking to get out of the field and try a managerial role. 

“I had a choice of either being lead tech or supervisor,” said Kotalik. “And I was 45 at the time, and my body’s not going to handle climbing ladders for the rest of its life, so I figured I’d pivot into management and give that a try. And so I became a supervisor.” 

Additionally, Kotalik’s previous experience as a technician prepared him for his role as a supervisor. 

“It was pretty smooth. I mean, being a tech and then going into management, I kind of knew how technicians wanted to be treated,” Kotalik remarked. “ So I had a different view of how to be a manager than someone who started in management from the start and told people in the field how to do their job.” 

These are just two examples of the many promotions and positions we’ve offered our team members. We believe in stimulating the growth of the individual across all levels, functions and divisions through day-to-day tasks and projects. 

National OnDemand is propelled by the hard work of our employees. We want to reward that work by continuing to support our team members past their first position and beyond their first year. No one knows us better than us. That’s why we prefer to internally promote rather than pull leaders from outside of the company. We want to continue lasting relationships as our team members grow across multiple positions. By mentoring our leaders of tomorrow, we are supporting our employees of today. 

Growing with National