Halloween Contest
Thanks to all of you who submitted photos for the 2023 Halloween contest.
Live Well, Work Well
The changing seasons can help you prioritize your physical, emotional and mental health by presenting the opportunity to start new...
Needing More Than Just Purpose
Most leaders have a high drive to achieve – particularly in cultures where productivity and achievement are chief cultural values....
Empowering a Culture of Care and Preparedness
remember that safety is a collective responsibility. We play a vital role in fostering a safe working environment. I encourage...
Live Well, Work Well
What to Know About This Year’s Flu Season In the United States, influenza (flu) season lasts from October through May,...
Live Well, Work Well
Cholesterol and You Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood that your body needs to build cells; however,...
Learning And Development Corner – August
How do your emotions impact your day? Have you ever thought about how your emotions impact your day to day?...
Live Well Work Well – August
The Health Benefits of Camping Millions of Americans enjoy camping each year, especially as temperatures rise and days get longer...
Live Well, Work Well: Beat the summer heat
Summer heat can be more than uncomfortable; it can threaten your health, especially for older adults and children. Hot and...
June photo Contest
Check out this photo from Kraig Jarrell, the winner of the June Photo of the Month contest. Kraig won $50...
Mental Health Minute
Many people experience better mental health and mood during the summer due to longer days and sunlight. Yet the season...
The Secret Sauce of Team Performance
Understanding the neuroscience behind interpersonal synchrony Have you ever been on a team where everyone seemed to be in sync...
Everyone is a champion for safety!
By Matt Rehlander Every worker must take accountability for eliminating the risk of injury. While policies and procedures are essential...
Live Well, Work Well: Breaking Down Mental Health Stigma
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a national health observance dedicated to shedding light on mental health conditions and fostering...
Eat Well, Work Well: Make Changes in Stages
Replacing unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones can be difficult, especially if unhealthy habits are all you have ever known....
April is Safety Driving Month
By Matt Rehlander, Senior Director of EHS, Fleet and Risk Management for National OnDemand Many Americans’ preoccupation with productivity and...
Live Well, Work Well: Benefits of Walking
Walking is often overlooked as a form of exercise; however, it offers several health benefits for the body and mind....
Eat Well, Live Well
Replacing unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones can be difficult, especially if unhealthy habits are all you have ever known....
Live Well, Work Well: Understanding Kidney Health
March is National Kidney Month, making it a great time to take charge of your health by lowering your chances...
March is Workplace Safety Awareness Month
By Matt Rehlander March is a transitional time in many areas of the country. While some enjoy a warm-up, others...
Mental Health Minute: ADHD Symptoms in adults
New research by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration shows that prescriptions for drugs used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...
May Photo of the Month
Check out this photo from Jason McCrystal, the winner of the May Photo of the Month contest. Jason nailed this...
Mental Health Minute: Breathing 101
Breathing is something you do all the time, often with little or no thought. Even during times of stress, your...
Live Well, Work Well: 3 Ways to Boost Your Heart Health
Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. In...
Safety First: Are You a Safety ‘Fanantic?’
February is the month that the Super Bowl takes place. Some sports fans go over the top to root for...
January Photo of the Month Contest
Phil Singleton’s persistency has finally paid off! After submitting photos every month in 2023, our man Phil picks up the...
Mental Health Minute: Benefits of clean, organized space
If you’re struggling with seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, depression or other mental health issues, keeping your home tidy and organized...
Live Well, Work Well: How to Make—and Keep—Your New Year’s Resolution
As a new year begins, you may be reflecting on the past year. This introspection is a significant first step...
Culture Corner: 6 Steps to Living Outside Your Comfort Zone
At Lead to Inspire, our passion comes from pushing individuals out of their comfort zone and watching them grow and...
Safety First: Slips, Trips and Falls
Welcome to 2024! Slips, trips, and falls are frequent causes of incidents on and off the job. According to OSHA,...