Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

At some point in our lives, we’ve been coached, maybe it came as encouragement from a parent, a teacher/coach or even a friend.

Today, who coaches you?

We’re talking about that person who positively influences your life by taking the time to give you insight on what you do well, including feedback on where you have an opportunity to grow.

Before reading any further, take a minute to think through and answer two questions:

  • Who is a coach or positive influence in my life today?
  • Who do I coach or influence?

Now that you’ve named your positive influencer, pencil in WHY that person is a positive influence/coach in your life?

Do they have an active role in helping you solve problems, grow in confidence or maybe they are a great listener, who offers advice or nudges you out of your comfort zone.

Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

Things that are all important when it comes to personal and professional growth. Are you up for a challenge?

Be intentional about sharing your gratitude with that person, tell them how they have made a difference in your life – we guarantee you’ll make their day!

How did you answer the next question, who do you coach or influence?

This question can be tricky for some, often we don’t feel we influence anyone, but even when you don’t think someone is watching…they are.

Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

I vividly remember my then, six-year-old in the kitchen, filling up a water bottle and adding ice, in my mind I was thinking uggh, there’s another mess I will have to clean up when he’s done.

Then he said, “I’m doing what you do Mom,” as he put the lid on his water bottle and put it in the fridge to keep it cold for later.

Suddenly, the mess didn’t matter because he was doing the right thing, this wasn’t soda or juice, it was water. I could tell him all day long to drink more water, but it was his observation of me filling my water bottle, numerous times a day, that he decided to mimic.

Actions speak louder than words!

The same thing plays out every day on the job, it doesn’t matter what role you play within an organization, you influence others and that’s important.

Being a positive influence is about empowering others to do their best, whether that’s being supportive, being inclusive and getting to know your teammates, or offering a listening ear or insight on a problem.

Whether it’s my son refilling a simple water bottle or a teammate going above and beyond to save the day, they’ve learned that behavior from someone and if it’s you, GREAT JOB!

Being a positive influence can be contagious – pass it on!

Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words