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Culture Corner: 6 Ways To Build Trust With Your Team

Culture Corner: 6 Ways To Build Trust With Your Team

How important is TRUST in a relationship?

We can probably all agree it’s significant. And, chances are we’ve all had instances, personally and professionally, where trust was missing from a relationship.

When trust doesn’t exist on a team, between team members, or a leader and the team, it can spell disaster. Of course, when trust does exist, great things are possible.

Harvard Business Review published a decade long study that found trust in the workplace had a positive impact on everything from employee turnover to company performance.

Culture Corner: 6 Ways To Build Trust With Your Team

Warren Buffett speaks of it saying, “Trust is like the air we breathe, when it’s present, nobody really notices, but when it is absent, everyone notices.”

To assure “trust is in the air,” leaders and employees alike need to be intentional about making trust a priority.

Culture Corner: 6 Ways To Build Trust With Your Team

Here are six things you can do to help build trusting and successful relationships.

Communicate Effectively – When you’re sending an email or text be professional and keep it simple. When a matter is complicated, set up a face-to-face meeting and be mindful of the tone of your voice, as well as your body language, both can send the wrong message. Another key to communication is always remember to LISTEN.

Be Honest – Simply put, ALWAYS tell the truth. If you messed up, own it, and learn from it.

Be Dependable – Show up on time and be reliable, when you say you’re going to do something, follow through and do it.

Interact with your Co-workers – Get to know the people you work with, be interested in who they are personally and professionally. Use small talk to ask questions about someone’s family or their weekend plans. Getting to know your teammates outside of work shows you genuinely care, and it comes full circle, helping you to work better together.

Acknowledge the Strengths of Co-Workers – Everyone is hired for a reason, whether it’s experience or knowledge. When you need expert advice on a project or help with a task, seek out a co-worker who is an expert in that area. Share your appreciation with them and offer to help them in return.

Participate in TEAM –Explore ways to interact with coworkers each day, whether it is during meetings or outside activities. LISTEN when someone is talking, brainstorm for solutions and be open to feedback.

Trust is earned, and by adding or enhancing these simple practices into your daily routine, you may find a positive shift in how others speak and act around you.

The added bonus is, when you’re more intentional about building trust, you quickly find it’s effective in ALL relationships at work and at home! Win-Win!

Culture Corner: 6 Ways To Build Trust With Your Team