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Hotel Safety Tips

Hotel Safety Tips

When booking your room at the hotel, consider the following: 

  • Most city fire equipment can only reach the sixth floor. 
  • Rooms on the first floor are robbed more than on other floors. 
  • Areas prone to flooding often flood up to the third floor and, in some areas, higher. 
  • Book a room closer to the stairs than the elevator (in a fire, elevators are locked and cannot be used). 
  • Look at which side of the hallway the door to the stairs is and how many doors it is to your room (in a smoke-filled hall, you won’t be able to see). 
  • Be in control of your luggage during check-in – your attention is on the check-in process; thieves sit in the lobbies and wait for people to become distracted. 
  • Choose accommodation with unmarked ‘swipe cards’ rather than numbered keys for each room if possible. If you lose your swipe card or if it is stolen, the thief won’t know which room to rob. 
  • Immediately after checking in, please review the floor plan on the back of the guest room door. 
  • Find and memorize the locations of the Emergency Exits, fire extinguishers, and fire alarms closest to the guest room. 


We want all Guests to be familiar with the following evacuation procedures. 

Exiting the Hotel 

  • Take the room key 
  • Test the door for heat or smoke before opening 
  • If the hallway is clear, exit by the nearest stairwell 
  • Do not use the elevators 

. If the door is warm or impassible: 

  • Place wet towels at the base of the door 
  • Call the Hotel Emergency number and state your name and room number 
  • Turn off the HVAC system to keep smoke from entering the room 
  • Stay low to the floor to avoid inhaling smoke. 


  • Do not answer the door in your room without verifying who it is. If a person claims to be an employee, call the Front Desk and ask if someone from our team is supposed to have access to your room and for what purpose. 
  • Keep your room key with you at all times, and do not needlessly display it in public. Should you misplace it, please notify the Front Desk immediately 
  • Close the door securely whenever you are in your room and of the locking devices provided 
  • Check to see that any sliding glass doors or windows and any connecting room doors are locked 
  • Do not invite strangers to your room 
  • Do not draw attention to yourself by displaying large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry 
  • When returning to the hotel late in the evening, be aware of your surroundings, stay in well-lit areas and use the main entrance 
  • Do not leave valuables in your vehicle 
  • When arranging to meet people you’ve never met before (such as business associates), wait for them in the lobby. Don’t ask them to come up to your room.