Category: Employee News
Hotel Safety Tips
When booking your room at the hotel, consider the following: IF THE FIRE ALARM SOUNDS We want all Guests to be familiar with the following evacuation procedures. Exiting the Hotel . If the door is warm or impassible: TRAVELER’S SAFETY TIPS
December Photo of the Month
Joshua Mauldin, FOM under Johnny Portwood, submitted the photo below and was awarded the December Photo of the Month prize of $50. Your photo could be next! Send us your photo submission and you could land the top prize! What are we looking for? We need you to send in photos of your work: in… Continue reading December Photo of the Month
Mental Health Minute
Healthy Habits That Can Lower Your Risk of Depression A recent international study published in the Nature Mental Health journal found that certain lifestyle factors can reduce the risk of depression by 57%. This study, which examined data from nearly 290,000 people over a nine-year period, found that there are seven lifestyle factors associated with… Continue reading Mental Health Minute
Live Well, Work Well
Managing Financial Stress During the Holidays If the holiday shopping season stresses you out, you’re not alone. Research by financial services company Bankrate revealed that more than half (54%) of holiday shoppers expect to feel financially burdened this holiday season as they anticipate overall high costs. While American consumers no longer face inflation levels like… Continue reading Live Well, Work Well
Benefits Breakdown
Employee Financial Wellness Programs A lack of financial knowledge can hold anyone back. When left with few reliable financial resources, employees may continue to struggle. As diverse as the workforce is, so are their financial knowledge and competency levels. Financial wellness programs have emerged as a valuable tool for employers to support their workforce and… Continue reading Benefits Breakdown
November Photo of the Month
Congrats to Richard Nazario for winning $50 for sending in this work photo from the dropbox link listed below. Pictured below is Anthony Perez, our in house Mechanic/Fabricator, disassembling an engine on one of our Ditch Witch 410SX D plows. Next month, your photo submission could land you the top prize! What are we looking for?… Continue reading November Photo of the Month
December Safety For A Safer Holiday Season
As we enter the holiday season and start getting in the Christmas mood, it’s crucial to consider how everyone might be affected during this time. There are often additional responsibilities and many at-home tasks for everyone to catch up on. Or think about it. Or even worry about it. This can affect safety at work… Continue reading December Safety For A Safer Holiday Season
Culture Corner: We Over Me … Building Team
When you walk out the door after work each day, how do you gauge success? Is it projects completed, quotas met, connecting with a peer, checking the “I survived another day” box, or is it the feeling you’re a part of something bigger than yourself? Take a few minutes and really think about your answer.… Continue reading Culture Corner: We Over Me … Building Team
November is American Diabetes Month
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 37 million American adults have diabetes, and 1 in 5 don’t know they have it. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects how your body turns food into energy. Your food is broken down into sugar (glucose) and released into your bloodstream. As your… Continue reading November is American Diabetes Month
Culture Corner: It’s a Team Event
We’ve all complained at one time or another about something at work, whether it’s the people, the processes or even the atmosphere. What isn’t automatic in those frustrations is ownership, which begs the question – who is responsible for making a happy workplace? Company culture doesn’t automatically happen and it’s not the responsibility of one… Continue reading Culture Corner: It’s a Team Event
November Safety News: Fall is upon us
It’s difficult to believe that it’s November already; hot days and warm nights have given way to cool, windy days and cold nights. The threat of snow is now being discussed on the news in many of our areas. The leaves have turned their fall colors, and almost all have fallen from the trees, and… Continue reading November Safety News: Fall is upon us
Daylight Saving Time’s Impact on the Brain
Most of the United States alternates between standard and daylight saving time (DST) every year so people can enjoy the daylight more. Clocks will be set back an hour on Sunday, Nov. 5, when DST ends, giving you an extra hour in your day. Although you may be excited about gaining an hour, DST can… Continue reading Daylight Saving Time’s Impact on the Brain
October Photo of the Month
Congrats to Joseph Brightwell for winning $50 for sending in this work photo from the dropbox link listed below. Next month, this could be you! What are we looking for? We need you to send in photos of your work: in the office, in the field, before & afters, pics of you and your co-workers,… Continue reading October Photo of the Month
September Photo of the Month
Congrats to Kraig Jarrell, who just won $50 for sending in this work photo from the dropbox link listed below. Next month, this could be you! What are we looking for? We need you to send in photos of your work: in the office, in the field, before & afters, pics of you and your… Continue reading September Photo of the Month
Live Well, Work Well: What to know about Flu Season
Influenza (flu) season lasts from October through May in the United States, with peak flu activity between December and March. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the timing and duration of flu activity have been unpredictable. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported early increases in seasonal flu last year. The… Continue reading Live Well, Work Well: What to know about Flu Season
Benefits & Me: Is AI a good Self-Diagnosis Tool?
Artificial intelligence (AI) has contributed to significant advances across many industries. Now, many people are using AI as a tool for selfdiagnosis or to get answers to health-related questions. Self-diagnosis is a growing practice, as people’s primary access point for health care information has shifted from professionals to the internet. Given the rising popularity of… Continue reading Benefits & Me: Is AI a good Self-Diagnosis Tool?
Halloween Contest is almost here
Are you ready for Halloween? National OnDemand loves seeing the costumes its employees wear for the annnual Halloween Costume Contest. Start planning now so you have a shot to win a prize. Pick your favorite celebrity, character, etc. so you are in the hunt to win the costume contest. This is your chance to win… Continue reading Halloween Contest is almost here
Culture Corner: Delegate and Make a Difference
Chances are you need to hear this today – just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Read that out loud to yourself a couple more times, tape that statement to your bathroom mirror or make it your screen saver. We all juggle various duties at work and at home. We often try… Continue reading Culture Corner: Delegate and Make a Difference
October Safety News: Fall Challenges
By Matt Rehlander October is the time of the year when leaves change and fill the tree canopies with color. Families are out raking leaves; in some areas, you can still burn leaves. The weather goes from hot to warm to cool or cold in many areas. Roads go from clear and dry to leaf-covered,… Continue reading October Safety News: Fall Challenges
Mental Health Minute: The Connection Between Gut and Brain Health
Recent research indicates that the communication between your brain and your gut plays a crucial role in your overall health. Scientists suggest this connection may be the reason you feel “butterflies” when you’re nervous or “sick to your stomach” when you’re dreading something. It also has a significant impact on your overall health. What Is… Continue reading Mental Health Minute: The Connection Between Gut and Brain Health
Culture Corner: The Power of Appreciation
If you’ve ever felt unappreciated, you know the impact it can have. But have you ever stopped to think about how you share appreciation with others? Today we want to challenge you, no matter what your position is within the company, take time and share genuine appreciation with someone. A simple quote speaks volumes, “A… Continue reading Culture Corner: The Power of Appreciation
Live Well, Work Well: Linking Health and Happiness
In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, happiness is a goal for many. However, happiness is not an isolated concept; it’s complex and connected to your overall physical and mental health. By understanding and nurturing the links between your health and happiness, you can be on your way to an enriched and balanced life. Physical… Continue reading Live Well, Work Well: Linking Health and Happiness
September Safety: Why Protecting Your Head is Important
By Kelsey Whistle Hard hats over the years have gone through significant development to aid in protecting the heads of workers. They have been protecting worker heads for many years. Wearing a hard hat at work properly fitted and adjusted is important to ensure it can provide proper protection. Slip, trip, and fall accidents are… Continue reading September Safety: Why Protecting Your Head is Important
August Photo of the Month
The August Photo of the Month was submitted by National OnDemand’s Brandon Wagers, who wins the $100 first prize for this submission thanks to Matt Rehlander, who paid his $50 July Photo of the Month prize money forward to Wagers. Now Brandon has the chance to either cash out the prize at $100, or contribute… Continue reading August Photo of the Month
Benefits & Me: Maximizing Your HSA
A health savings account (HSA) is an excellent tool for helping manage your out-of-pocket health care expenses. Consider the following five tips for getting the most out of your HSA: The Differences Between Ozempic and Wegovy Ozempic and Wegovy have recently become popular for their potential to help individuals lose weight. Both drugs rely on… Continue reading Benefits & Me: Maximizing Your HSA
Live Well, Work Well: Improving Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is an important skill that can enable you to reach personal and professional goals. Developing self-discipline is like strengthening muscles; it can be improved with practice. This skill can help make difficult tasks seem more manageable as you achieve your goals. Self-discipline is your ability to focus on a task or goal to accomplish… Continue reading Live Well, Work Well: Improving Self-Discipline
Staying Safe in Summer Heat
By Matt Rehlander As we march through the summer, the weather continues to be a concern. With temperatures and humidity increasing, proper hydration is a continual concern; please remember that coffee, soda, energy drinks, alcohol, and similar types of drinks do not provide what our bodies need to deal with extreme temperatures and humidity. Water… Continue reading Staying Safe in Summer Heat
What is Your Power of Influence?
Influence is the power to change or affect someone or something in an indirect but usually important way. When you think about who has influenced you throughout your lifetime, chances are you list parents, friends, a mentor, or a leader. Of course you don’t need a title to influence someone, but you do need intentional… Continue reading What is Your Power of Influence?
July Photo of the Month
The July Photo of the Month was submitted by National OnDemand’s Matt Rehlander, who wins the $50 first prize for this submission. When it comes to safety we don’t play. Our safety team just conducted temporary work zone flagger certification training. We know safety always comes first. Keep posting photos so you have a shot… Continue reading July Photo of the Month
Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words
At some point in our lives, we’ve been coached, maybe it came as encouragement from a parent, a teacher/coach or even a friend. Today, who coaches you? We’re talking about that person who positively influences your life by taking the time to give you insight on what you do well, including feedback on where you… Continue reading Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words